About – Clarie

Hello there, I’m Clarie, and I’m delighted to invite you into my world.

Here, I’m all about turning the ordinary into something extraordinary, with a sprinkle of fun and a dash of intentionality.

A Desire to Make the Ordinary Extraordinary

Have you ever had that urge to create something special, something that makes people feel truly exceptional? That’s the spark that drives me. I have this profound desire to serve others in extraordinary ways, to build them up through thoughtful gestures and imaginative experiences, whether it’s in the little things at home or during special occasions throughout the year.

Sometimes, I execute these ideas and then sometimes I don’t. But that’s all part of the journey, right?

Join Me on the Journey to Extraordinary

Life’s journey takes us to various places, both in the world and within our hearts. Wherever your path has led you RIGHT NOW, I invite you to join me in bringing “Extraordinary to the Ordinary.” Together, we’ll explore ways to infuse everyday moments with a bit of magic.

A Glimpse into Our Busy Home

In our home, chaos is just another word for life. With four incredible kids, ranging in age from 26 to 11, and a husband who keeps me on my toes, there’s never a dull moment. Two of our kids have flown the nest, but they remain in our hearts. Amid the hustle and bustle, I embrace being accused of being EXTRA!

The clariedennis.com Experience

What truly lights me up is crafting unforgettable experiences. I adore visualizing the reactions of loved ones and friends when they encounter the unexpected. Whether it’s planning memorable holiday gatherings, crafting unique travel adventures, or simply adding a touch of magic to their homes, I’m all about creating moments that linger in our hearts.

All About the Experience

In a nutshell, I’m all about the experience! This blog will be an eclectic collection of ideas and inspirations. It might feature a porch party I’m planning, a cottage I’m decorating, or an exciting itinerary for an upcoming trip. My passion lies in the planning and organizing of these experiences, and I can’t wait to share them with you.

Join the Journey

So, whether you’re here to imagine, plan, organize, or simply get inspired, I invite you to come along with me. Let’s turn ordinary days into extraordinary ones, both for ourselves and the people we care about. The power of imagination and the joy of ‘doing’ are within reach. I can’t wait to have you join us on this remarkable journey.

Come back soon, and let’s continue to make life extraordinary, one experience at a time!

Warm regards,


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