It was a very easy process to find an RV close to our home but on the way towards our trip. It just takes finding the right one, the right size and the right functions that you need to make it work for you!
It required adding drivers and the drivers licenses to be accepted. They send you notifications of what you need to do next on the app. The rental agreement lets you know exactly what you should expect and who the owner is. You have a way to communicate with the owner through the app, but you also have access to a cell phone or email for the owner as well. I used it to ask several questions.
The Purpose Was For Comfort
Everyone can have different purposes for the RV they want to rent but our purpose for renting was mainly for comfort!
We have 4 kids. The ages of the kids range from 9 to 23.
We have a boy that’s a teenager and likes to stay busy! A young girl that gets bored easily! And my husband that likes to rest his back along the way.
So having a place for everyone to spread out and relax and not fight was my main goal!
We had no desire to sleep in it overnight! We had no desire to take a shower in it! We had no desire to cook all our meals in it!
So keeping all that in mind, we did want a TV that worked, a place for all the kids to sit and maybe a bed for someone to take a nap, if they so desired.
I Made An Itinerary For The Trip!
I knew what direction we were going to go.
My daughter and her husband were staying in Gallup, NM for a few months and so we wanted to go pick them up and take them on a quick weekend trip.
Knowing we were going to be on the road for several hours to get there we didn’t want to make several stops that would make the time getting there longer than it already was. So we left early that morning to go pick up the RV.
The Big Texan
Next stop: An iconic lunch stop is always fun! Somewhere very touristy and interesting for the kids to be able to say they have been there. A TikTok or YouTube famous place lets the kids feel like they are included in the decision-making and makes it more about them!
I Had A Menu Prepared
When we got to the RV we unloaded our car and started putting things away. I had prepared a menu for the few days we would be in RV so we could eat lunch at least in there. I had snack items and drinks for the road!
I had picked easy things to prepare that would be simple to store and I wouldn’t need a lot of refrigerator requirements.
Nachos, guacamole and chips and salsa was on the menu the first day for lunch!
Sandwiches and chips and salsa were on the second day menu, I also added a charcuterie board with nuts, pickles, and some summer sausage for grazing.
I had snack size candy bars that we put in the refrigerator for something sweet and all kinds of Gatorade, juices and pop for beverages. I had brought bottled water for the trip and we did stop and get another case of that.
No one was hungry and nothing spoiled, a win, win!
Some Hints Along The Way
Some things that I was sooooo glad that we brought with us to have in the RV …
Bluetooth head phones! All the TV’s were Smart TV’s and would hook up to the Bluetooth head phones! It made it nice to watch a movie as they went down the road when we were on a long stretch of highway. The RV is VERY noisy!
Cords to mirror phones or IPad! The RV came with RoKu but we didn’t have WiFi in the RV. I think if we would have stopped at a RV campsite they would have had cable or WiFi for us to use and then the RoKu would have worked. The RV did come with a DVD player and we just still happen to have a few DVDs to watch. But the cord that we used to mirror the IPad or phones was handy, we just used our data or had a movie downloaded and then we watched it off that. Handy!
XBox! yes my son brought his XBox and hooked it up to the TV and him and my son-in-law played 2K as we drove down the road! Brilliant idea on his part! They sat and played for hours!
A lawn chair! We set up a lawn chair in the little isle of the RV. It probably isn’t recommended doing that due to the safety of it, but no one sitting in the back of the RV was buckled up either. It just made for one more seat that someone could sit in and not have to crowd in at the table seating. It was perfect for us!
An ice chest! Even though we didn’t HAVE to have an ice chest to keep everything cold we needed it. Since we didn’t keep the RV running throughout the night because we stayed in a hotel every night. The refrigerator didn’t keep cold overnight. So having the ice chest with things that might have spoiled was a must. I don’t carry a large one. I just have a small one, and it made for a nice seat as well when we would stop to eat.
It Was Worth It
You might think …
Why would you rent an RV and then stay in a hotel every night?
Well …
Every night, we could take a nice, hot shower in a normal sized shower.
My daughter and her husband could go to their own room and take a break from us, (not that they required it). Just to have a break made the togetherness during the day bearable.
We could reorganize our belongings.
Every morning I would get up and go clean and reorganized the RV. Throwing away any trash, wiping down all the surfaces and organizing the food for the upcoming lunch. Straightened the pillows, remade the bed, and put all the toys away that had been left out from the previous day! It was like starting fresh each day!
So was it worth it have an RV while we traveled? YES ! YES! YES! YES!
It was one of the funnest trips we have ever taken! We drove over 2400 miles and it was very enjoyable. We did 2400 miles in 5 days too! I’ll link the itinerary here so you can see where we went! It was a great trip!