January 2022 has been great so far! I am still aiming towards my goals and hitting all my targets along the way! My word of the year is “experience”. So all my decisions of what I want to accomplish, go through the thought process of, how can I make this an experience!
My first experience this year has been my son turning 16! I have four kids, so number three kid turning 16 shouldn’t have been that big of a deal. I’ve already gone through two previous drivers and we all survived! So, this should not have even been considered an event really. But it WAS!
For the last three years I’ve been getting to drive him to school, which takes about twenty minutes everyday. The years before that, the big sisters had to drive him to school. But for the last three years, it’s just been him and me! Listening to a favorite podcast I wanted to share with him, or having it quiet so he can study for a test on the way to school or singing along with the radio! It’s been some of my favorite twenty minutes of my day!
So having that twenty minutes in the morning with him is gone. So now I’m making a list of different things we can do to make up for that morning drive together! He feeds his horses and the cows, so I could go along some evening for that! Maybe letting him drive me to see the lake on a cold winter day, or having a lunch date with him at our favorite pizza place! He doesn’t know it yet but I’ll make up some time with him somehow!
I hope you can find twenty minutes in your day to do something for someone, make a phone call to someone you haven’t talked to in a while or take a drive to experience a new place to explore!