Word Of The Year | 2022

January 2022 has been great so far! I am still aiming towards my goals and hitting all my targets along the way! My word of the year is “experience”. So all my decisions of what I want to accomplish, go through the thought process of, how can I make this an experience! My first experience… Continue reading Word Of The Year | 2022


Easy Snack Ideas | Fall Addition

The cooler temperatures have crept in and the evenings are getting shorter! That means there is more time in the house and you need some easy snack ideas! This is easy to prepare and even easier to eat! List of Ingredients 2 Bags of Microwave popcorn or 2 batches of stove top popcorn 1 bag… Continue reading Easy Snack Ideas | Fall Addition


What Is Happening 2022

Welcome 2022! What do you have planned for this new year? What do you want to accomplish in the next twelve months? How are you going to be different this year? Some may just want to ignore those questions and keep on keeping on. “If it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it”, is the… Continue reading What Is Happening 2022


Buying A Vacation Home

I Couldn’t Believe This Happened! Steps to find a vacation rental So you have found a fun place for your family to visit for a get away! You have explored the area and have found it has a lot of amenities that you like and that makes for an entertaining destination spot! It is very… Continue reading Buying A Vacation Home

Best Place To Eat Out | Perfect For Fall

The following about links and posts on this site: Any/all the links clariedennis.com are affiliate links of which I receive a small compensation from sales of certain items. The Best Place to Eat Out The leaves and the seasons are changing! The mornings and the evenings are now cooler and lighting a ” target=”_blank” rel=”sponsored”>fire… Continue reading Best Place To Eat Out | Perfect For Fall

Travel Outfit | Fall

Perfect Travel Fall Outfit

What is the Best Travel Outfit? Anything that is comfortable Looks nice enough for a meet and greet Keeps you warm or able to cool off quickly Add stylish shoes that make a statement Here is a Perfect Solution! No Matter Where You Go! Always be prepared for the best! Be prepared to meet someone… Continue reading Travel Outfit | Fall

Categorized as Travels

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